
Prof. Michele DeStefano
Keynote: How can legal innovation accelerate the impact of legal on the society?
Professor Michele DeStefano is a highly innovative and accomplished legal professional with a passion for creative problem-solving, collaboration, culture change, and innovation in law. She is the founder of LawWithoutWalls, a community of over 2,000 lawyers, business professionals, entrepreneurs, and students who collaborate to create innovations in the business of law and develop new mindsets and skillsets.

Pascal Bürgin
Head of Law & Compliance Bayer Switzerland
Keynote: Inhouse x Technology: how to shape a legal function to be future ready
Pascal Bürgin is an attorney and Head of Law and Compliance at Bayer Switzerland. He's Member of Counrty Leadership Team Switzerland, Member of the Board at Bayer CropScience Schweiz AG and Board Bayer Consumer Care AG. Furthermore Pascal Bürgin is president of the Bayer Pension Fund Switzerland and Head of Law of the Patents and Compliance. He is Member of the Vorstand Arbeitgeberverband Basel.

Ioannis Martinis
Head of Innovation & LegalTech at Coop Rechtsschutz. Vice President SLTA.
Opening Statement: Better Access to Justice through technology & innovation
Ioannis Martinis is a lawyer and Head of Innovation & LegalTech at Coop Rechtsschutz AG. He lectures at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) on law in the digital age and furthermore he is the dean of studies in legal tech at the University of Applied Sciences Zurich (HWZ). Ioannis is a Legal Tech Expert and founder of the Legal Tech Think Tank Ethorial. He is the President of the Digital Minds Society and Vice President of the Swiss LegalTech Association (SLTA). Ioannis is Ambassador for Switzerland of the European Legal Technology Association.

Aku Sorainen
Fouder & Partner
Keynote: Mindset change & KPI’s - a law firm success story
Aku Sorainen arrived in Estonia shortly after the country regained its independence in 1991, after which he established a law firm, which soon grew to become the largest in the Baltics. This firm has grown organically to 44 partners and in total over 250 lawyers with integrated legal practice and sector groups, firm-wide leadership, quality management processes and business support services.

Maurus Schreyvogel
Legal Innovation & Operations Leader, Partner at EY Law
Keynote: Perception of legal services / The contribution of the legal profession to society
Maurus is a visionary leader who has dedicated his career to legal innovation and operations. He believes that legal activities can be smarter designed and better integrated with the needs and goals of companies and individuals, resulting in simpler, more transparent, and cost-effective outcomes. Maurus applies his expertise and vision to design smart and innovative solutions that leverage cutting-edge technologies. He joined EY as a partner at the end of 2022 after spending nearly two decades working for legal functions, most recently as Chief Legal Innovation Officer at Novartis.

Barbara Müry
Causa Vincenz & Herlock.AI - how technology was key to manage the defense
Barbara Müry Erni is the Co-Founder and CEO of Herlock. Since her interdisciplinary studies of Science and Law Barbara has engaged with digitalization in various organizations in the banking and consulting sectors and took the leap into entrepreneurship in September 2022. Since then, she has been developing Herlock with her team in close cooperation with law firms. Herlock is a legaltech startup providing lawyers with an AI-powered SaaS that reads, organizes and understands case data to provide a comprehensive and dynamic knowledge map. Herlock.ai is a spin-off from D ONE, a leading Swiss consulting company for data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, and was developed to handle one of the largest economic crime cases in Swiss history.

Dr. Felix R. Ehrat
Board Member, University Lecturer, Investor
Keynote: Acceleration of change
Professional with broad and deep business, operational and legal experience and a focus on pragmatic and sustainable solutions. Enjoyed experience in a variety of legal and relates roles, amongst others: Associate, partner and Chairman of Bär & Karrer during 25 years, member of the Executive Committee and Group General Counsel of Novartis during almost 7 years, board member in a variety of listed and non-listed Swiss and foreign companies, President of Swiss Holdings (association of listed companies), investor, lecturer at the University of St. Gallen. Broad exposure to communication, government affairs, investor relations, audit, M&A, multi-jurisdictional litigation/arbitration, corporate governance and restructurings. Continues to be curious on the direction of travel of the legal industry and professional services in general.

Dr. Daniel Brugger
Clerk at the Swiss Federal Supreme Court
Panel: Herausforderungen im Berufsalltag der Judikative
Daniel Brugger serves as a Law Clerk at the Swiss Federal Supreme Court and is the founder of several legal tech projects, such as Onlinekommentar.ch, FragdenOK.ch, Repositorium.ch, and iusbubble.com. His expertise extends to the application of artificial intelligence in the legal field. He notably co-developed the first official AI chatbot for a Swiss government agency (www.fragesi.ch for the Swiss Federal Supervisory Authority for Foundations).

Fatih Aslantas
Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt SAV Strafrecht
Causa Vincenz & Herlock.AI - how technology was key to manage the defense
Lawyer with focus on business law and criminal law, especially white collar crime.

Andreas Blattmann
Dr.iur., LL.M., Attorney at Law, Partner at Quadra Attorneys at Law Ltd.
Causa Vincenz & Herlock.AI - how technology was key to manage the defense
Areas of practice: Litigation/arbitration/mediation, contract law (including tenancy and labor law as well as the law governing agency, brokerage and distribution contracts and contracts for work and services), competition law (including unfair competition), intellectual property law, media and advertising law and inheritance law.

Paula Reichenberg
Vice-President SLTA / CEO & founder Neur.on
Panel: AI & Law - The current state
Paula Reichenberg is a lawyer, entrepreneur, and lifelong tech learner. She studied law in Fribourg, passed her bar in Zurich, and worked in the M&A and Capital Markets Team of Bär & Karrer, before completing an MBA at INSEAD. Upon graduating, she founded her first company, Hieronymus – Translations by Lawyers for Lawyers, a high-end legal language service provider. In 2020, she created LexMachina, the first Neural Machine Translation engine for Swiss lawyers; two years later, with the support of a select panel of investors from the international LegalTech and legal publishing industries, she founded Neur.on, a SaaS empowering lawyers in their translation tasks.

Tiphanie Bent
Strategic Projects at SIX Group
Panel: AI & Law - The current state
Not every jurist is allergic to maths. Tiphanie represents a new generation of lawyers who are deeply trained in technology. Thanks to her bachelor studies in Artificial Intelligence she builds bridges across both disciplines.
At SIX Group, she is implementing AI Governance and business development strategies placing ethics and excellence at the heart of one of Switzerland's most critical infrastructure. She is a strong believer of cross disciplinary collaboration to generate innovation; creating a positive & sustainable impact on society.

Jlona Caduff
Legal Information Designer
Panel: Legal Information Design / User Experience of Legal Rules and Tools - who cares?
Jlona Caduff worked for around 20 years as an inhouse lawyer and outside attorney in the ICT sector, in the last years as Head of Legal Enterprise Customers and Purchasing at Swisscom. She holds a lic. iur. and PhD in Law and admission to the Swiss Bar Association.
In 2019, she founded Legal by Design AG, a legal information design agency in Zurich. In her role she supports primarily in-house lawyers and compliance/data privacy officers in the user-friendly design and redesign of legal and compliance information, mostly in digital and interactive format.
Jlona's work complements the drivers of effectiveness of legal rules and tools with a “people” perspective. She is convinced of the need for and benefits of a more accessible, user-friendly and contemporary redesign of legal and compliance information.

Juliette Hotz
Chief Privacy Officer
Panel: Legal Information Design / User Experience of Legal Rules and Tools - who cares?
Juliette Hotz has 13 years of experience as an inhouse lawyer. She currently holds the position of Chief Privacy Officer at Galenica Group. Galenica is a healthcare service provider that offers solutions for end costumers and patients as well as for pharmacies, drugstores, medical practices, hospitals, nursing homes, homecare providers, wholesalers, pharmaceutical companies, health insurance companies and other partners.
In her role she advises over 8000 employees and around 30 group companies on challenging data governance topics. She holds a Master in Law and is an active contributor to the current discussion on various legal topics as a speaker and panellist. Juliette is an advocate of a human-centered approach to law and has already implemented several successful projects with this mindset and concept.

Rolf Schmid
Data Protection Officer
Panel: Legal Information Design / User Experience of Legal Rules and Tools - who cares?
Rolf Schmid has about 14 years of experience in different roles and sectors as inhouse lawyer and external consultant. He holds a Swiss Master in Law as well as an LLM in Computer and Communications Law from Queen Mary University of London.
He is currently Data Protection Officer at Swiss Re Group level and advises around 15,000 employees worldwide together with his colleagues. Rolf firmly believes that effective compliance requires linking innovation and compliance as well as cross-functional and multi-disciplinary collaboration. As a lawyer, he assumes the responsibility and ambition of providing support that goes beyond legal accuracy

Caroline Danner
Lawyer for IT, digital and data law
Panel: Legal Information Design / User Experience of Legal Rules and Tools - who cares?
Caroline is an attorney at law with a law degree (lic. iur.) from the University of Berne and a post-graduated Master in Information Law (LL.M.) of the University of Oldenburg. Since 2005 she has been working in the technology field.
After working more than 15 years as an in-house legal counsel and legal director for IT and ICT companies as well for a big Swiss law firm, she advises today with her own company and law firm ONLAW clients mostly in IT, technology and data protection law.

Jacqueline Gasser-Beck
lic. iur. EMBA HSG
Experienced Head Of Innovation with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. Skilled in Nonprofit Organizations, Continuing Education, Politics, Sustainability, and Entrepreneurship. Strong research professional with a Law degree from University of Zürich and an Executive MBA focused in General Management from University of St.Gallen.

Martin Langmeier
Präsident des Obergerichts des Kantons Zürich
Panel: Herausforderungen im Berufsalltag der Judikative
Martin Langmeier ist seit 2007 Oberrichter und seit 2012 Mitglied der Verwaltungskommission der Gerichte Zürich. Von 2016 bis 2020 war er der erste Vizepräsident und hat seit 2020 das Amt des Präsidenten inne.

Andrea Waldner-Vontobel
Vizepräsidentin Bezirksgericht Hinwil
Panel: Herausforderungen im Berufsalltag der Judikative
Andrea Waldner-Vontobel arbeitete von 2011 bis 2013 als Rechtsanwältin in einer mittelgrossen Anwaltskanzlei. Seit 2013 ist sie Bezirksrichterin und seit 2021 Vizepräsidentin Bezirksgericht Hinwil.

Stefan Cicigoi
CEO, Partner of Scheuss & Partner AG
CEO, Partner of Scheuss & Partner AG
IT infrastructure and cloud solutions specialist and consultant
“With 25 years in the IT industry, Stefan Cicigoi has a wealth of experience. His solid technical education and certification as a Business Analyst (FA) enable him to bridge the gap between business and IT. His interest in modern solutions and his motivation to take on new challenges are important elements of success.”

Nora Sailer
Inhaberin, Octobit GmbH
Inhaberin, Octobit GmbH
Nora Sailer hat einige Jahre als Übersetzerin in der Maschinenindustrie gearbeitet. In dieser Zeit hat sie sich die repetitiven Handgriffe am Computer automatisiert, worauf 1998 der logische Schritt in die Softwareentwicklung folgte. 2003 hat sie die Octobit GmbH gegründet, die massgeschneiderte Software, Office-Automationen und seit 2006 Octoiur anbietet.

Robert Lauko
Founder & Head of Research at Liquity
Founder & Head of Research at Liquity
A lawyer by training with a Ph.D. from the University of Zurich, Robert worked in various legal roles (e.g., 2010-2014 at the Administrative Court of Zurich, 2015-2016 at the Federal Administrative Court) before transitioning to a career as a blockchain researcher and entrepreneur. After launching the decentralized borrowing and stablecoin project 'Liquity,' Robert shifted his focus to legal tech and AI.

Pierre Chatelanaz
Dual Master's Degree Candidate at Sciences Po Paris & University of St.Gallen
Sciences Po Paris & University of St.Gallen
A graduate of École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay and the University of St Gallen, has a rich background in physics and computer science. His professional journey includes roles such as a Data Scientist at Procter and Gamble and extensive freelancing experience. Pierre has also been deeply involved in academic research, applying advanced neural network techniques to environmental and physical sciences projects.

Buen Ibrahimi
Account Executive
Account Executive
Buen Ibrahimi ist Account Executive für die beliebte Cloud-Sprachtechnologie-Lösung SpeechLive bei Speech Processing Solutions, dem Unternehmen hinter Philips Dictation. Vom Standort Wien aus ist er für den gesamten DACH-Raum verantwortlich. Er berät und betreut Kunden über den effektiven Einsatz von Sprachtechnologie-Lösungen. Zu seinen Key Accounts zählen Unternehmen aus der deutschen Rechts- und der Gesundheitsbranche.

Duresa Lika
Senior Client Partner – Europe, Axiom Law
Senior Client Partner – Europe, Axiom Law
Duresa ist Senior Kundenpartnerin bei Axiom und verantwortlich für die Betreuung der Kunden in Europa. Vor ihrem Eintritt bei Axiom arbeitete sie fünf Jahre lang bei einer renommierten Personalberatung in Zürich.
Dort baute sie das Interimsgeschäft erfolgreich auf und unterstütze Kunden aus der DACH-Region bei der Besetzung von Fach- und Führungskräften in den Bereichen Legal, Finance und IT. Duresa engagiert sich leidenschaftlich für ESG-Themen und verfügt über ein ESG-Diploma des Corporate Governance Institute. Ihre Karriere begann in der Wirtschaftsprüfung bei PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Prof. Dr. Isabelle Wildhaber
Full Professor | Director FAA-HSG
Isabelle Wildhaber ist seit 2010 Professorin für Privat- und Wirtschaftsrecht an der Universität St. Gallen sowie geschäftsführende Direktorin am Forschungsinstitut für Arbeit und Arbeitswelten an der Universität St. Gallen (FAA-HSG). Sie ist seit 1998 als Anwältin in der Schweiz und seit 2001 in New York zugelassen.
Von 2000-2001 absolvierte sie einen LL.M. an der Harvard Law School und arbeitete von 2001-2006 als Rechtsanwältin bei der internationalen Anwaltskanzlei Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton in New York und Frankfurt a.M. Sie wechselte daraufhin von der Praxis in die Wissenschaft, wo sie im Bereich Vertragsrecht, Haftpflichtrecht und Arbeitsrecht mit Schwerpunkt auf neuen Technologien tätig ist. Sie ist ausserdem Co-Founder von Vamoz AG, einem Startup, welches Remote Work Abroad ermöglicht.

Prof. Dr. Melinda Lohmann
Professorin für Informations- und Privatrecht
Melinda Lohmann ist Assoziierte Professorin für Privat- und Informationsrecht an der HSG und Direktorin des Institute for Law of Innovation and Technology (LIT-HSG). Sie hat ein Faible für selbstfahrende Fahrzeuge, Roboter und Künstliche Intelligenz und erforscht zum einen, wie das Recht mit diesen Innovationen umgehen soll, zum anderen wie technologische Innovationen den Rechtsmarkt verändern.

Ralph Forsbach
Shaping education. Co-Founder of Brian
Duresa ist Senior Kundenpartnerin bei Axiom und verantwortlich für die Betreuung der Kunden in Europa. Vor ihrem Eintritt bei Axiom arbeitete sie fünf Jahre lang bei einer renommierten Personalberatung in Zürich.
Dort baute sie das Interimsgeschäft erfolgreich auf und unterstütze Kunden aus der DACH-Region bei der Besetzung von Fach- und Führungskräften in den Bereichen Legal, Finance und IT. Duresa engagiert sich leidenschaftlich für ESG-Themen und verfügt über ein ESG-Diploma des Corporate Governance Institute. Ihre Karriere begann in der Wirtschaftsprüfung bei PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Irina Kopatz
Research Assistant bei FAA-HSG
Irina Kopatz studiert aktuell im Master in Rechtswissenschaft an der Universität St. Gallen und ist Research Assistant von Prof. Dr. Isabelle Wildhaber am Forschungsinstitut für Arbeit und Arbeitswelten.
Während Ihres Studiums amtierte sie als Vizepräsidentin (2021/22) und Präsidentin (2022/23) der Studentenschaft der HSG. In diesen Positionen befasste sie sich unter anderem auch mit der Evaluation und Fortentwicklung der Lehre. Sie ist zudem ordentliches Mitglied der Rekurskommission der Universität St. Gallen.

Tim Richard
Digitale Transformation der Zürcher Zivil- und Strafgerichte
Panel: Herausforderungen im Berufsalltag der Judikative
Tim Richard arbeitete nach Abschluss des Jurastudiums an der Universität Zürich von 2017 bis 2022 am Bezirksgericht Horgen. Nach dem Erwerb des Anwaltspatents wechselte er Ende 2022 in die Justizverwaltung und arbeitet seither im Generalsekretariat der Zürcher Zivil- und Strafgerichte, welches beim Obergericht des Kantons Zürich angesiedelt ist. Tim Richard ist unter anderem für die digitale Transformation der Zürcher Zivil- und Strafgerichte zuständig.

Yannic Kilcher
I make Videos
Chief Technology Officer
Yannic leads technical development at DeepJudge. His PhD in AI at ETH Zürich and work at Google AI Language place him at the forefront of training, building and deploying ML models. He also runs the largest YouTube channel on machine learning research and played a leading role in the development of OpenAssistant.

Colin Carter
Legal Engineer & Tech Lawyer (MLaw)
Legal Engineer & Tech Lawyer (MLaw)
Colin Carter is a Swiss legal engineer who works at Coop Rechtsschutz AG. His role involves developing and researching software applications for the legal profession, with a specific focus on implementing artificial intelligence in the legal sector. Additionally, since August 2023, he has been writing his PhD thesis on the topic of autonomous legal systems in the field of criminal law at the University of Basel. His passion lies at the intersection of law, artificial intelligence, user experience, and digitalization. Colin co-founded Repositorium.ch, Switzerlands first open-access, institution-independent repository for legal publications.