About the event

LegalInnovation is a conference of the umbrella organization for legal technology, Swiss LegalTech Association (SLTA), and is carried out in close cooperation with the Swiss Bar Association (SAV/FSA/SBA).

This year's edition focuses on the critical role and challenges of the legal profession in the 21st century. It highlights the profession's importance in upholding with the rule of law, protecting human rights, ensuring access to justice, and promoting economic and social development.

Our key challenges include adapting to digitalization, globalization, competition, innovation, diversity, and ethical issues.

The legal profession must meet the client, regulator, and societal expectations while maintaining its core values and standards of excellence.

It also has a social responsibility to foster public trust and confidence in the legal system, to uphold professionalism and integrity, and support pro bono and public interest initiatives.

Together with our speakers and industry experts, we will explore how technology and an innovative approach can help us achieve our goals.


We are very grateful for the support of our sponsor, who make it possible for us to offer you this first major event about the future of the legal profession. We, at the Swiss LegalTech Association, are strongly committed to modernizing the legal industry. As with all such undertakings, it will take time, dedication and many efforts. The support shown by our sponsors allows us to raise awareness, conduct research and share information about the best practices, the available technology and how to reorganize for the digital era. It then allows us to compile this research and share it with the community. If you would also like to become a sponsor and support the Swiss LegalTech Association’s effort to bring the legal community together, conduct research and help actors of the legal market successfully transition to the digital era, please contact us.

Our Sponsors 2022:



Stage 1

22 May 2024
Entrance & Badge (DE/EN/FR)

Conference Registration Desk Open

Official Welcome of Co-Presidents of the Swiss Legal Tech Association (SLTA)

Introduction and official welcome of our new Co-Presidents of the SLTA.

The Backbone of LegalInnovation 2024
09:20 - 09:40
Keynote: Perception of legal services / The contribution of the legal profession to society (EN)

Coming soon

Keynote: Acceleration of change (EN)

Coming soon


Coming soon

Booth & Catering

Vendor booths & catering

Inhouse talent: how to shape a legal function to be future ready

Coming soon

Panel: To reflect on contributions with the goal to develop general applicable elements that the audience can take home to reimagine within their field

Coming soon

Lunch & Booth

Please take lunch in your own time.

Vendor Pitches (Stages 2 & 3 - 15min Slots)

Coming soon

15:00 - 15:30
Booth & Catering

Vendor booths & catering

15:35 - 16:05
Keynote: Mindset change & KPI’s - a law firm success story (EN)

Aku Sorainen is the founder and senior partner of SORAINEN. Aku is of Finnish origin, but has worked as a lawyer in the Baltic States since 1993. He has significant experience in advising local and foreign corporations and investors in the Baltic States and Belarus. He has worked primarily in the fields of mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and real estate.

Aku is a recommended practitioner in many publications, including:

PLC Which lawyer? for corporate and M&A practice;
Chambers Global in corporate and commercial practices: "he frequently counsels domestic and foreign clients on high-profile transactions”;
The Legal 500 acknowledges him for corporate and M&A practice;
Chambers Europe in corporate and commercial law says: "Founder Aku Sorainen is well versed in the field of M&A. He frequently counsels domestic and foreign clients on acquisitions";
Best Lawyers for corporate and M&A, private equity practices;
European Legal Experts for corporate and finance practices in Estonia.

Aku wrote one of the first analyses of Baltic business law acts in English in the early 1990s as his master thesis, which the Association of Finnish Lawyers published in 1993 with the heading „A Foreign Investor in the Baltics: a legal study about the possibilities of a foreign investor to begin business activity and obtain real estate in the Baltics". Aku first established a law firm under his name in 1995 in Estonia. In 1997 this expanded to Latvia, in 1999 to Lithuania and in 2008 to Belarus.

16:10 - 16:55
Closing Keynote: How can legal innovation accelerate the impact of legal on the society? (EN)

Michele DeStefano is a highly innovative and accomplished legal professional with a passion for creative problem-solving, collaboration, culture change, and innovation in law. As a Professor of Law at the University of Miami, visiting faculty member at Harvard Law School, and a Faculty Chair in Harvard Law School's Executive Education Program, Michele is an internationally recognized thought leader who has been named a Legal Rebel by the ABA and one of the top 20 most innovative lawyers in North America by the Financial Times Innovative Lawyers.


Michele is the founder of LawWithoutWalls, a community of over 2,000 lawyers, business professionals, entrepreneurs, and students who collaborate to create innovations in the business of law and develop new mindsets and skillsets. She is also the co-creator of the Digital Legal Exchange, a non-profit that aims to inspire general counsel and their teams to become digital leaders in their businesses to drive commercial value.


With her extensive research and writing on topics such as client-centricity, collaboration, and innovation in law, Michele has authored multiple books, including Legal Upheaval: A Guide to Creativity, Collaboration, and Innovation in Law, New Suits: Appetite for Disruption. She has two new books: Leader Upheaval: A Guide to Culture Creation, Client Centricity, and Collaboration, and the accompanying handbook:  The Leader Upheaval Handbook: Lead Teams on a Innovation & Collaboration Journey with The 3-4-5 Method(™). Her latest articles include  Chicken or Egg: Diversity and Innovation in the Corporate Legal Marketplace, 91 Fordham Law Review 1209 (2023) and Don't Let the Digital Tail Wag the Transformation Dog: A Digital Transformation Roadmap for Corporate Counsel, 17 Journal of Business and Technology Law, Volume, 183 (2022). 


Michele earned her Bachelor of Arts degree magna cum laude from Dartmouth College and her Juris Doctorate degree magna cum laude from Harvard Law School. Michele is a visionary who is dedicated to leading the way in transforming the professional services industry. She frequently speaks and runs workshops on creative problem solving, collaboration, Client-centricity, communication, personal branding, and innovation. For more information visit movelaw.com or micheledestefano.com.

Summary of the day and Announcement of SLTA Focus (EN / DE)

Coming soon

Booth & Drinks

Coming soon

Flying Dinner (Additional payment & sponsors)

Coming soon


Stage 2

Panel 1: AI & Law - The current state (EN)

Artificial intelligence is currently experiencing an iPhone moment. It is available to everyone, and at the same time has made leaps and bounds in the last 18 months that we have not seen in the last 70 years. This has undoubtedly also had and will continue to have an impact on the legal sector. There is no legal department or big law firm that is not looking into legal AI and examining the opportunities and risks. Our experts will explain what is in it, where realistic gains can be expected, and what the actual challenges are. And they will provide a glimpse into the future of Legal AI.

Our panelists are:

Yannic Kilcher, CTO & founder of DeepJudge.ai

Colin Carter, Legal Engineer at Coop Rechtsschutz

Tiphanie Bent, Strategic Projects at SIX Group

Barbara Müry, CEO & Co-Founder of Herlock.ai

The panel moderator: Paula Reichenberg, CEO Neur.on

Panel 2: Legal Operations 2024: Opportunities and Value Creation for the Legal Team (EN)
Legal Information Design 2024: User Experience of Legal Rules and Tools - who cares? (D)
Where do we stand today in terms of legal user experience? What has changed in a modern legal world? Do we need to attract the attention of our audience for legal and compliance topics with illustrations, photos, videos or gamification, or what is user experience about? Is legal UX an aspect that legal and compliance departments must and can deal with? Join our panel where our experienced legal professionals will share their thoughts and lessons learned on UX for legal and compliance topics.

Advocat360 – The legal-compliant Cloud Infrastructure

We provide services from the Microsoft Cloud with all legally compliant agreements. Be it file storage with SharePoint, collaboration through Microsoft Teams or secure email and calendar using Outlook, all within the secure Swiss Microsoft Cloud. Seamless integration of your legal software is just one part of our comprehensive services. You can work from anywhere, anytime, while we take care of your infrastructure and provide IT support through our Servicedesk.


Sind Sie bereit für digitale Gerichtseingaben?

Erleben Sie eine Einführung in die Beweismittelverwaltung mit Octoiur:

- Beilagen aus Ihrem DMS «document driven» erstellen.

- Beweismittel in einem übersichtlichen Cockpit verwalten und in Ihren Worddokumenten verwenden

- Beweismittelverzeichnisse erstellen

- Gerichtseingaben digital stempeln und ausliefern

Octoiur - ein Add-In für Word - wurde von der Firma Octobit GmbH speziell für Anwaltskanzleien und Notariate entwickelt. Kümmern Sie sich im Schriftverkehr um den eigentlichen Inhalt, und lösen Sie lästige Formatierungen und Word-Routineaufgaben elegant programmiert.

Octoiur ist eine stabile, leistungsstarke und skalierbare Lösung. Sie wird von vielen Anwendern täglich geschätzt; dies von ganz unterschiedlichen Kanzleien – der Einsatz von Octoiur ist von einem bis zu hunderten von Arbeitsplätzen und von kurzen Eingaben bis zu Eingaben mit hunderten von Beilagen sinnvoll.

Pitch easydivorce.ch

Stage 3

Pitch 1
Pitch 2
Pitch 3
Pitch 4
Pitch 5

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Michele DeStefano


Michele DeStefano, the founder of LawWithoutWalls, a community of over 2,000 lawyers, business professionals, entrepreneurs, and students.

Aku Sorainen


His firm has grown organically to 44 partners and in total over 250 lawyers with integrated legal practice and sector groups, firm-wide leadership, quality management processes and business support services.

Pascal Bürgin

Head of Law & Compliance Bayer Switzerland

Attorney and Head of Law and Compliance at Bayer Switzerland, as well as member of the Board at Bayer CropScience Schweiz AG and Board Bayer Consumer Care AG and member of the Vorstand Arbeitgeberverband Basel.

Ioannis Martinis

Head of Legal Tech Coop Rechtsschutz

Legal innovation makes it possible to rethink legal processes, and legal tech provides the tools for modern implementation. This leads to better results, more access to justice, and forges new paths for the law – our most important social institution. 

Maurus Schreyvogel

Legal Innovation & Operations Leader | Partner at EY Law

Legal innovator and legal operator are not just a role, but innovation and operational excellence need to be considered by every legal professional every day.


SLTA Members

CHF 399
  • One Day Conference Ticket
  • Coffee / Drinks
  • Lunch and Networking
  • Documentation


CHF 499
  • One Day Conference Ticket
  • Coffee / Drinks
  • Lunch and Networking
  • Documentation


CHF 149
  • One Day Conference Ticket
  • Coffee / Drinks
  • Lunch and Networking
  • Documentation

SLTA Students

CHF 99
  • One Day Conference Ticket
  • Coffee / Drinks
  • Lunch and Networking
  • Documentation

LegalInnovation is a conference of the umbrella organization for legal technology, Swiss LegalTech Association (SLTA), and is organized in close cooperation with the Swiss Bar Association (SBA). The conference aims to share knowledge and educate on the digital transformation of the legal industry. We expect participants from law firms, legal departments, accounting firms, government agencies, universities, startups and from suppliers of LegalTech solutions. Presentations will be in German, English and French. A total of four formats are available to participants. Conventional speeches will be given in the auditorium; among them are three "keynotes" highlighting the transformation as a whole. LegalTech solution vendors will have the opportunity to present their services. Attendees will be able to exchange ideas, enjoy refreshments and visit the booths of LegalTech vendors.

On the previous evening of the LegalInnovation Conference, participants can meet and exchange ideas in person at a coktail party. SLTA's Executive Board, Swiss Bar Association representatives, sponsors and partners will be present. 

After the event, we will organize a flying dinner. Seats will also be limited and are allocated on a first arrived, first served basis.

If there are insufficient seats due to regulatory attendance restrictions or other reasons, the LegalInnovation Conference will be held hybrid, meaning that all presentations will also be offered via video communication. The number of participants for the evening event is limited and will be available on a first arrived, first served basis.

In case of cancellation of the event due to federal or cantonal restrictions, the tickets will be refunded.


Technopark Main Venue

LegalInnovation takes place at Technopark. A well-known location in Zurich West for future-oriented conferences. Accessible by car as well as by public transport. 

Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich

Aubrey | Flying Dinner

After the conference, a networking flying dinner will take place at the Aubrey, which can be booked for CHF 99 additionally during the booking process. Seats are limited. 

Schiffbaustrasse 10, 8005 Zürich

Carlton | Cocktails

In the evening before the conference, SLTA invites interested persons to networking and cocktails at the Carlton. The bar is located in the center of Zurich. 

Bahnhofstrasse 41, 8001 Zürich

25hours | where to stay

We recommend an overnight stay at the modern and refreshingly designed 25hours Hotel in Zurich West, which is within walking distance of the event location. 

Pfingstweidstrasse 102, 8005 Zürich